Environmental Toxins And Your Health

Do You Know Your Risk?

When it comes to environmental toxins, we’re all at risk. None of us can entirely escape the dangers of chemicals present in our environments. The good news is there are steps we can take to limit our exposure.

Step one is knowing which chemicals to avoid. Join us for Environmental Toxins And Your Health on Wednesday, November 22nd as we explore common environmental toxins and explain the health risks they pose. We’ll also provide tips on ways to reduce your exposure to various toxins.

With incidents of chronic disease on the rise, it’s more important than ever before to know your risk and limit your exposure to toxins. From chronic fatigue to feeding cancer cells, this is your opportunity to learn about the effects of common toxins and find out what’s lurking in your home!

Meet The Facilitators of Environmental Toxins And Your Health

Deborah Ford is a doctor of nutrition, dietitian, exercise specialist, and author of Amazon Best Seller: Get Out of Hormone Hell, 6 HEAVENly Steps to Feel Great, Lose Weight, and Reverse Aging. Deb knows that research shows that diet and lifestyle hold the key to health, vitality and longevity. Her specialties include PCOS and hormone balancing, low carb and keto weight loss and integrative and functional nutrition. Her weekly radio show/ podcast is Today's Nutrition.

Hosted by:

Dr. Deborah Ford, DCN, RDN, LDN, CPT

It’s Time to Put Your Health First

You work hard to maintain your health, and now it’s time to go one step further. During this experience, you will gain the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your health from disease-causing chemicals.

Functional medicine gets to the root of issues rather than merely masking symptoms. This is how we put you and your health first. Too many conventional practices fail to recognize or lack the ability to examine environmental toxins as a cause of poor health.

We’re ready to help you put your health first. Take the first step and join us on Wednesday, November 22nd to learn how to protect your health from environmental toxins.

We Can’t Wait to Share with You on Wednesday, November 22nd at 8:00 am EST!